Five Years Ago...
"Vivek was telling me that Thursday might be a holiday for all of us," John said.
"Whose Vivek?" I asked, as we sat at the end of class.
"Arey, Vivek, dude. The short, spectacled guy, in Philip's class?"
"Oh, that Vivek."
Present Day...
"Rohit says there's no college tomorrow. We'll watch a movie?"
"Rohit? Who's that?"
"Rohit, macha. The maru who sits behind us in class."
"Oh, that Rohit."
Funnily enough, until I joined a college in India last year, I never knew what a maru meant. Of course, now I do. Not just marus. I know who mallus, iyers, firengis and the rest are.
"Vivek was telling me that Thursday might be a holiday for all of us," John said.
"Whose Vivek?" I asked, as we sat at the end of class.
"Arey, Vivek, dude. The short, spectacled guy, in Philip's class?"
"Oh, that Vivek."
Present Day...
"Rohit says there's no college tomorrow. We'll watch a movie?"
"Rohit? Who's that?"
"Rohit, macha. The maru who sits behind us in class."
"Oh, that Rohit."
Funnily enough, until I joined a college in India last year, I never knew what a maru meant. Of course, now I do. Not just marus. I know who mallus, iyers, firengis and the rest are.