

Assuming that you've reached this link voluntarily, and are looking forward to reading something, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Mohammed Musthafa, and Laptop Diary is my personal blog. Started most probably in the summer of 2008, I've managed to fill up posts with short stories, poems, random musings, serious musings, and most tragic of all - attempted humorous musings. I must admit, some of them are painful to read.

But since writing has been a passion ever since I can remember, this blog serves as a venue to express myself. But believe me, for all the talk of self expression and artistic imagining that wannabe writers refer to, in the end, each and every one of us - whether we care to admit it or not - would like an audience. 

So, without wasting much more of your time, please, feel free to stroll through my virtual library, and if it fancies you, extend the literary equivalent of an applause. Leave a comment, preferably one that allows me to improve my writing or understand your opinion of it. Else, since the internet hasn't been taxed yet, you may disappear just as quickly as you came.

Thanking You,
Mohammed Musthafa 

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