Two years ago, during the Summer of 2008, I decided to write a serialised story called The Kidnappers Private Limited. My only intention was to write something that would serve as a 'filler' for my blog, so that I wouldnt end up losing my readers.
To make a long story short, I stopped after writing about four chapters. Then, an year later, I restarted the entire story from a different angle, this time writing about two chapters before stopping again.
Which brings me to my third and hopefully final try. This time, I intend to complete the entire story, all 15 - 20 chapters of it.
I've made a separate blog for The Kidnappers Private Limited. If your interested in the story, I hope you'll subscribe or follow (which makes it easier to catch up with the latest chapters). Also, I am looking for a critical analysis of the story. One day, I hope to turn this into a novel. For that, feedback will be crucial.
And finally, Laptop Diary is back again, this time hopefully for good!
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