After writing four books in the Harry Potter series, all of which became best sellers, J.K. Rowling faced immense pressure from her fans, who eagerly awaited for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. The pressure was so great, that the author confessed to have thought of breaking her arm, in order to escape from having to write the book. She didnt do it though, and as was feared, the book didnt live up to the hype.
I used to think that this was a fake story. Think about it. Would you really believe that a billionaire author would contemplate breaking her arm due to pressure?
That's when I finished writing "Just A Bat And A Ball". And then I realised how horrible an effect expectations can really have on you. After writing the above mentioned post, which was quite well appreciated by you, I had to follow it up with something else. The result was "Brain Damage, Anyone?"
A friend of mine, who was impressed by "Just A Bat And Ball", politely informed me that the second post wasnt up to the mark. That's when I realised what I faced. From now onwards, I'd have to write every post as good as "Just A Bat And A Ball". Or would I?
That depends upon you. Bloggers are known to be paranoid about their readers, and I'm no different. It took me about five months, to build a readership that has 32 subscribers and an average of 10 comments per post. As my friend remarked, "If you put up more posts like 'Brain Damage', you might lose your readers."
Which brings me to my topic, actually. As much as I would love to write the most funniest, thought provoking and refreshing posts, one after the other, sadly that's not possible. Sure, there are several posts coming up which are quite good. But there's a method I use for the blog. Every good post is alternated with an average post. They're called 'Filler' posts. Why am I telling you all this? Perhaps because I secretly hope that you'll forgive me for wasting a few minutes of your time once every week. And also because I'm hoping you wont unsubscribe from this blog. You've been a great audience so far.
And if ever you find my posts unsatisfying, look to the top of the page. You'll find the 'Top Posts'. Read them. They're the reason you came to this blog in the first place.
Now, if you found this post worth the time, well, thank you!
If not, as I was a 'Filler' post, wasnt it?
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